Media has reported that Lt Gen VK Singh, GOC-in-C, Eastern Command, based on the findings of a Court of Inquiry, has recommended the dismissal of Lt Gen Avdesh Prakash, Military Secretary, one of the seven Principal Staff Officers (PSO) at Army Headquarters, from service for his role in the alleged "bending of rules to favour a private company near Siliguri"
According to the Indian Express, the C of I had also recommended the court martial of another senior general - Lt Gen PK Rath, whose appointment as Deputy Chief of Army Staff was earlier cancelled by the Ministry of Defence. The newspaper further said: "The inquiry found that Gen Prakash was in constant touch with a Siliguri real estate developer, Dilip Agarwal, who brokered a controversial land deal in Darjeeling. Through phone records, the inquiry established, that Agarwal, who inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to obtain no-objection certificates (NOCs) from the Army to purchase nearly 70 acres near the 33 Corps HQ in Sukna, was in constant touch with Gen Prakash while the deal was being sealed. The NOCs were given after an institution claimed it was an affiliate of the Mayo College in Ajmer and would establish a branch in Sukna. Mayo College denied it had any affiliate." Gen Rath, as the then GOC 33 Corps, had issued the NOCs.
The army commander has recommended similar action against Lt Gen P Sen. Lastly, administrative action has been suggested against a fourth officer, Lt Gen Ramesh Halgali, GOC 11 Corps for “administrative lapses.”
Army Chief General Deepak Kapoor will now be required to act on the Eastern Army Commander's recommendations. Usually such recommendations are overruled only if there are sound legal grounds.
It seems corruption, usually considered as a malady of politicians and bureaucrats, is now reaching the top echelons of the armed forces. Is it a case of do as the Romans do? I hope not.
What happened to your intelligence?
It's true that in Canada there are over 300,000 Ealam Tamils.
But those who voted on December 19th were over 18 years. Do you know any country where 1 year old kid could vote?
Do your math and you will know that there are around 70,000 eligible Tamils in Canada, and out of that 50,000 voted.
God bless your intelligence!@!!
Ref Mohan's comments:
Firstly your comment is given in the wrong article. It has nothing to do with the corruption I had written about.
So I presume you are commenting on the earlier piece on the future of Tamil militancy. I have already said in the article that the ratio of total numbers or percentage do not indicate anything. It is the actual number who voted that matter for LTTE. This is a sizable support as indicated in the vote. So I do not understand why you are getting your heckles up.
But the moot point is how many of the 48000 SL Tamils in Canada who voted are Canadian citizens? The results become irrelevant if they had voted for LTTE to decide the fate of Tamils living in Sri Lanka as they have no business to do so unless they go and live in Sri Lanka after giving up Canadian citzenship. How many will do so?
May i draw your attention to a column on The Week - on PMO Beat that carried a different version that the personal animosity between the Military Secretary and Lt gen VK Singh may have been the reason behind the land expose by the latter.
Dont you feel that whatever be the issue it is time for the Defence Minister to step in and reign in the errants.
Surely the Defence Minister does not have to wait for the Chief to recommend the next course of action.
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