Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Recommended Reading

Is the nation in a coma?
Mohan Murti writing in the Business Line dated:31/05/2010 gives a sample of European opinion on India’s stunted democracy in action. But to answer the question in the title, it is not India but its politicians are in a coma.
URL: bin/print. pl?file=20100531 50300900. htm&date=2010/05/ 31/&prd=bl&

India’s Rise and the Promise of U.S.-Indian Partnership
William J. Burns, US Under Secretary for Political Affairs, spoke on emerging dimensions of US-India relations at the Council of Foreign Relations on June 1, 2010. I wish I could be as optimistic about US-India relations as he is.

A Tragic court martial
Former Indian army chief General Shankar Roychowdhury discusses the much hyped investigation into the Kargil defence procurement scam which ended with a whimper. It showed the soft underbelly of India’s lethargic arms procurement system and its impact on strategic security of the nation.

Not to be missed reading on this issue is the companion piece Former navy chief hits back at govt with RTI that appeared on the blog Soldierscorner on August 27, 2009 available at URL

India no more a big brother to Sri Lanka
Upul Joseph Fernando in his regular column My Serendip in the Daily Mirror, Colombo discusses the downsizing of India's role in Sri Lanka. Interesting analysis on the role of Congress party in this.
URL, 02 June 2010 00:00

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