by Commodore R. S. Vasan
Address delivered by Commodore RS Vasan IN (Retd) during the joint seminar
conducted by Center for Asia Studies and Stella Maries College on 08 August
2012 at Helene DE Chappotin Center)
Any seminar on the Security Challenges in the Indian Ocean region, brings
attention to the twin subjects of terrorism and piracy as the two main
ingredients. Indeed these two headings have taken centre stage particularly due
to the impact on mercantile marine trade that is coming under increased
pressure as they traverse through high risk areas. There is enhanced awareness
that Indian Ocean is the focus of the world due to the growing of economies and
the dependence of these economies on the sea routes for development and
security. Though most of the discussions tend to focus on conventional security
challenges, there is a need to remember that the very concept of security has
undergone a paradigm shift. So when we discuss the security challenges in the
Indian Ocean, we also have to discuss issues of security which are distinctly
different from the conventional security mould. The reference is to do with
fisheries and livelihood security, environmental security, Search and Rescue,
Marine Pollution and other such non glamorous issues.