NSG may be a failure for Modi, but MTCR is a big success for India
New Delhi can now access state of the art technology drone
and missile technology systems which have been denied all along
POLITICS | 6-minute read | 27-06-2016
As expected, Prime Minister Narendra
Modi has come in for criticism from friends and foes alike for putting his (or
to some extent India’s) political prestige on the block on the line in the
failed bid to gain admission to Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) at Seoul. Perhaps
Modi could have avoided the heightened expectations created by media hype over
his highly visible international campaign on the NSG issue.
Probably, Modi could not help it because
that is his signature leadership style, as distinct as the “Modi jacket” he wears.
So his failures will always be seen larger than his successes because people
revel more in leader’s failure than success. And media cannot be faulted for
its shrill coverage because their pitch is for instant gratification rather
than eloquent analyses.
By now, Modi must be accustomed to
the brickbats he receives from a section of the so-called intellectual class
for whatever he does or does not.
So India’s failure at NSG is seen by many as prime minister’s leadership failure. However, that would be ignoring the dynamic strategic environment in which the PM has been operating.
In this environment, around the same
time when the NSG said nay, India was admitted to another exclusive club - the
Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR) - which is more important to national
security than the NSG.
The 35-mmber club controls the spread
of proliferation of unmanned delivery systems (missile, unmanned aerial
vehicles etc) for carrying nuclear weapons.
In simple terms, now India can access
state of the art drone and missile technology systems which have been
denied all along. This will speed up the
development of long range intercontinental ballistic missiles.
India can also export its missiles
like the BrahMos to other countries. India has already indicated that it would be
exporting BrahMos to Vietnam and a few other nations are said to be interested
in procuring it.
India’s admission is even more
significant as China’s application to join the MTCR made in 2004 has not been
accepted so far because its export control standards have not satisfied the
MTCR members.
However, India’s failure at NSG meet
overshadowed its success on MTCR.
Moreover, when the first announcement
of India’s admission to the MTCR was made, Modi’s detractors saw it as the
outcome of a deal to release two Italian Marines facing prosecution for murder
on bail, than noting its strategic implications. That is the kind of strategic
discourse we have in this country.
The changes in the security
environment in our neighbourhood are happening at various levels:
India-US-China trilateral relations on the one hand and India-Pakistan-China on
the other, and India’s assertive relationship building in Iran, Saudi Arabia
and Gulf countries.
At the same time, President Xi
Jinping has emerged as the most powerful of agent of change in China after Deng
Xiaoping led the nation’s recovery from the disastrous consequences of the
Cultural Revolution.
Xi has emerged as the unchallenged
leader of China in firm control of all the three of pillars support: the
Communist Party of China (CPC), the government and the Peoples Liberation
He is working hard to realize his
Chinese dream by vigorously promoting the One Belt One Road (OBOR) initiative
to build strategic road, rail, pipeline and maritime links to South, West and
Central Asia as well as Indian Ocean Region.
This is progressively increasing
China’s access to the huge markets and mineral and petroleum resources of Asia.
He has notched up several successes in South Asia and Indian Ocean region, in
India’s traditional areas of influence.
President Xi is also trying to give
China a prominent international profile in Asia. In the Af-Pak region he sees
China as a peace maker between Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Taliban, the
fountainhead that provides political and religious moorings for Islamic
terrorists trying to destabilise the region.
China has embarked upon the ambitious
$46 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (EPEC) project that aims to
develop road, rail, pipeline and maritime connectivity between the Xinjiang
region of China and Pakistan.
In the coming years we can expect China to become Pakistan’s indispensable strategic partner on
India’s western front. It will also be lodged
in the country’s economic and political
It is in this complex strategic
environment Prime Minister Modi has been leading from the front to energise
India-US relations to make them multifaceted, with emphasis on strategic
relations. The US has reciprocated it with equal vigour.
This has slowly changed the US’
strategic security hyphenation of Asia-Pacific into Indo-Pacific, in silent
recognition of India adding substance to US security interests in the region
extending from Indian Ocean to the Pacific.
While the US promoted India’s
candidature of the NSG vigorously, at another level China was becoming
increasingly paranoid over the US navy’s aggressive presence in South China Sea
and increased level of US security cooperation with ASEAN
(Association of Southeast Asian Nations) members locked in dispute with China
over the ownership of islets in the neighbourhood.
The joint exercise of the navies of
India, US and Japan off the coast of Japan recently probably only added to China’s
suspicion about India’s professed peaceful intentions towards its northern
In this environment, it was probably
too much to expect Xi to oblige India by allowing it to join the NSG. Despite
all the jhoola diplomacy of Modi and friendly overtures from China,
there should be no illusion about taking forward our strategic dialogue with
President Xi supported by the CPC and
PLA will test every strategic move of India. It would be a loss of
face for him to equate China with India when he is aiming to beat the US at
global level.
Perhaps, if India comes round to
wholeheartedly support the OBOR, China might soften its stand on other issues
but never relent on core interests and that includes nuclear equation.
We should put our bid for NSG
membership in cold storage for now.
should have confidence in our strengths and build upon them rather than wasting
our efforts which have the makings of failure.
President Xi has succeeded in
embarrassing Modi; we should read the writing on the wall and realistically
calibrate our relations with PRC on the long term.
It does not matter India had failed
in its effort
at NSG; but it has succeeded in getting into MTCR.
The NSG experience has exposed the true dimensions of our
strategic priorities despite the confusing verbiage China had put out on the
issue. So it should be treated as a
learning experience.
As the cliché goes forewarned is
forewarned; and Modi, the shrewd man he is, probably has learnt his Beijing
lesson from this exercise.
Courtesy: India Today opinion portal DailyO