The Tamil issue has resurfaced recently affecting both India's domestic politics and foreign policy priorities. While there are calls to boycott Sri Lanka for overlooking Tamil sentiments, other quarters believe such measures would only affect India's foreign relations with the island state ruled by a powerful President. OneIndia News speaks to retired Military Intelligence officer of the Indian Army, Col R Hariharan on the issue.
Here is the full interview:
OneIndia: We are seeing protest in the Indian media about
the Sri Lankan government's atrocities against the Tamils there. Tamil Nadu CM
Jayalalithaa took a retaliatory stance against the island nation by driving out
football teams and pilgrims.
There is a call for boycotting Sri Lanka from certain
sections. India-Sri Lanka relations are not simplistic for besides the ethnic
sentiments, a crucial strategic significance is also attached to them. Leaders
like Jayalalithaa are actually endangering India's bilateral engagements with
Sri Lanka in the name of 'shielding' ethnic nationalism.
If we turn belligerent towards them and do not show
interest in a peace process, the Lankans can retaliate in their country against
Indian sentiments as well. Do you think such coercive diplomacy will do India
any favour? What is your takes on this?
Col Hariharan: Your have raised four
separate but inter-related issues in your question. My views on these issues
including ‘coercive diplomacy' (an oxymoron as diplomacy means skill and tact
in dealing with people) are:
First, regarding Ms Jayalalitha's
recent action in sending back Sri Lankan football teams and pilgrims, she has
now clarified that it was a symbolic act to register her protest against the
continued aberrations in Sri Lanka's handling of Tamils. Sri Lankan pilgrims
and others are welcome to visit Tamil Nadu she has added wisely, as a lakh of
people come to Chennai from Sri Lanka.
Second, her call to boycott trade
with Sri Lanka comes at a time when Indo-Sri Lanka trade is flourishing; it's
worth nearly four billion dollars now. Tamil Nadu has a lion's share of this
trade. With global economic downturn shrinking trading volumes, it would be
unwise to ban on trade with Sri Lanka. The chief minister's statement was
probably a political rhetoric to upstage her rival M Karunanidhi, leader of the
DMK, from exploiting the Sri Lanka Tamil issue. Of course, she is genuinely
concerned about the plight of Sri Lanka Tamils.
Third, issues of Centre-state
relationship are also behind Tamil Nadu's assertive call for New Delhi to act
on what you call 'ethnic nationalism'. The chief minister's insistence on New
Delhi to take serious notice of her concerns is her way of asserting her
national presence. Other regional satraps like Ms Mamta Banerjee and Mulayam
Singh are also doing the same. Comments on foreign policy issues by them does
not mean belligerence. It is only a call for New Delhi to consider the state's
sensitivities in policy making. We can expect more such calls from regional
leaders in the coming years as national parties need them to form coalition
government at the Centre.
Fourth, coercive diplomacy. The era
of coercive diplomacy is over. The US, with all its might, has not been able to
force a regime change in Syria. So there is no question of India forcing Sri
Lanka to act according to its will. Cooperation, coordination and concern for
each other with some carrots and a little stick can produce results in
international relations.
India already enjoys enormous influence in shaping Sri
Lanka's policy with its international status, and economic, cultural, religious
and strategic clout. If we use this clout to 'coerce' a proud nation like Sri
Lanka, we will only alienate it.
OneIndia: On the strategic significance issue, China has
been showing a big interest in Sri Lanka. Some say, by getting closer to
smaller countries like Nepal, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, Beijing is trying to
contain and corner India in South Asia.
If China really sustains a long-term alliance with Sri
Lanka, more due to the fact that New Delhi failed to capitalise on its historic
linkage with the close southern neighbour, then will the strategic Indian Ocean
zone turn into a perennial headache for India? For if China establishes itself
strongly in this region, the US will not let itself fall behind. Doesn't India
need to play the role of a balancer in terms of international (political and
economic) relations?
Col Hariharan: I am not very clear on what
you mean when you speak of "India playing the role of a
"balancer" in terms of international political and economic
relations." I presume you want to know how India should evolve its
economic and political relations with Sri Lanka to counter China's efforts to
establish a long term alliance (?) with Sri Lanka.
China has not established any short or long term alliance
with any of the countries you have mentioned. Pakistan is the only country in
South Asia having such an alliance with China. When we discuss China's entry in
South Asia, we must recognise a few things. China has become a global economic
power; PLA modernisation is well underway to safeguard China's global
interests; it has become global manufacturing hub and in the bargain become
world's largest consumer of resources; and it will not hesitate to use its
economic and military clout to achieve its strategic aims.
Global economic downturn has affected China's growth
rate; and it is now eyeing the huge untapped South Asian markets and
natural resources. China knows that in South Asia, India is the dominant power
and has geographic, historical and cultural advantages that China does not
possess. China also knows that India would not give a free run for Chinese to
thrive in South Asia at its cost. India would leverage its advantages to tackle
China's entry into South Asia.
Considering this, both and China and India would use
mix of economic and strategic power play to tackle each other as the two
nations are too big to go for all out war. Just as China cannot wish away
India, India also cannot stop China's forays in South Asia.
India has to adopt a holistic strategy combining its
advantages to ensure China's growth is kept within manageable proportions. We
should also note China has emerged as India's No. 1 trading partner and it will
have its own impact on the policy perceptions in both nations. So how can we
ask our neighbours to ignore China? It is not realistic.
As regards the Indian Ocean region, as China’s defence
minister Liang Guanglei who visited Sri Lanka and India recently noted Indian
navy is the dominant player. So it will take some time for Chinese naval
power to flex its muscles in Indian Ocean. This is inevitable and we should
be mentally and physically be prepared and take suitable counter measures.
OneIndia: What can India ideally do to force the Sri
Lankan government in the process of reconciliation of the Tamils? Irrespective
of the Tamil politicians' fury, the fact is that Sri Lanka is an independent
country and we have already paid a price of intervening in the late 1980s and
early 1990s. India can only try to create pressure on Rajapaksa by means of
canvassing international support. But then again, given the age-old relation
that exists between the two countries, any unbalanced act can complicate the
issue further.
Col Hariharan: Your own explanation of the
question contains part of the answer. No nation - not even India or the U.S. -
can really force Sri Lanka government to carry out the reconciliation process
with Tamil minority. They are Sri Lanka nationals. As the strategic context now
is different from 1987, India cannot exert the same type of pressure as it did
in the past to speed up the reconciliation process.
India's efforts in the past on this issue resulted in the
signing of India-Sri Lanka Agreement 1987. It provides for the creation of
provincial councils with certain amount of autonomy. This was formalised by the
13th amendment to the Sri Lankan Constitution. Despite this, the powers
enshrined there have not been fully extended to provincial councils due to
various political reasons.
After winning the Eelam war, President Rajapaksa has
emerged unchallenged leader and Tamils have limited political clout. With the
LTTE no more there, Rajapaksa is going through the reconciliation process at
his own speed. This has alienated not only the Tamil support but also some of
the goodwill Sri Lana enjoyed in India, USA and EU countries.
However, Rajapaksa feels as a national leader it would be
demeaning to be seen as bowing to external pressure on this issue. So he is
taking his own time. India can only use the tools of diplomatic and economic
pressure to push him into action.
OneIndia: With no LTTE around and an authoritarian
president in power, is it possible to renew the movement to assert rights of
the deprived Tamils? The vacuum created after decimation of the LTTE is being
filled up forces like the 'wily' West and fragmented Tamil politicians in India
but unless there is a strong reactionary voice emerging in Sri Lanka, it is
difficult for the Tamils in distress to lead a life of dignity. The Palestinian
problem has not been settled still and this also looks to go the same way.
Col Hariharan: Again you have partly
answered your own question. Prabhakaran had an autocratic leadership style and
the leadership vacuum left by the exit cannot be filled up by democratic
leaders. It cannot be filled up by any Tamil politician from India or elsewhere
because they are not accountable to Sri Lankan people.
Tamil leaders in Sri Lanka are experienced and quite
capable; they are raising their voices in parliament strongly on key issues.
Unfortunately, Indian media rarely considers them or their views as newsworthy
and flashes only some ill informed or inflammatory statement from Tamil Nadu as
important news.
Sri Lanka Tamil leaders have not gained the confidence of
Tamil people as they are traumatised by war and are yet to resume normal life
and live with confidence and dignity. Sri Lankan government has failed to give
them the feeling of security and trust to improve their mindset.
OneIndia: We have found that many a times, India has
followed a 'policy of toleration' towards neighbours who have not been
democratic at all. Whether be it the monarchies in Nepal and Bhutan, a military
dictatorship in Pakistan (Musharraf), an authoritarian president in Maldives or
a military junta rule in Myanmar, India wanted these forces not to crumble so
that instability did not affect them. Do you think India should follow the same
policy vis-a-vis the authoritarian presidential rule of Rajapaksa so that no
anti-India sentiments gain strong ground?
Col Hariharan: Sri Lanka, unlike the
examples you quoted, has an elected democratic government in which Tamil
minority also voted. So it is not in the same class as military dictatorships
or monarchies. President Mahinda Rajapaksha has been elected twice as President
by popular vote. He is an executive president unlike the President of India,
who is only the head of state and prime minister wields the executive powers.
Rajapaksa as President wields enormous powers which he
does not hesitate to use, frequently in authoritarian style. This has naturally
caused its own reaction. In spite of this, there is no question of India adopting
"a policy of toleration" because he enjoys the confidence of the
majority of Sri Lankans.
He considers relations with India as
"brotherly" and crucial to further Sri Lanka's interests. He has
consulted India in all major issues and has worked hard to build close
relations with India. We should understand that he would act only on what he
considers as Sri Lanka's national interest. We should respect that as he is
accountable to his people; however, we should start using our influence a
little more boldly to give his regime a more humane face.
OneIndia: The Sri Lankan case shows the typical
majority-minority problem in a post-colonial state. Do you think military power
is at all any solution to such sensitive issues? India is one of those rare
non-western states which succeeded in addressing such issue politically, to a
large extent. Sri Lanka can also back its military success with reconstruction
and devolution of power. That will be a big success for the Rajapaksa regime.
Col Hariharan: Not only in post colonial
states but even in Western states there are there majority-minority problems. A
good example is Belgium, a tiny state by Asian standards, where the French and
Flemish speaking people get into log jam.
Though India has been trying to address it politically,
it has not succeeded fully; the Bodos, Nagas and Meiteis took to arms because
of the minority syndrome. Not only India and other Western nations but even
other political parties of Sri Lanka have been suggesting the need to carry out
devolution of power to minorities side by side with reconstruction.
However, Sri Lanka leadership believes in the war torn
zones, reconstruction of habitats and infrastructure would improve the life
style of the people and devolution being a political process can be progressed
at its own pace. So we have a lopsided picture in post-war Sri Lanka where
massive development projects and restoration of infrastructure have not won
over people who had been struggling for equitable rights on par with Sinhala
Thursday, September 20, 2012, 12:12 [IST]
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